On June 30 and July 1, the Asia Pacific Network of Critical Realism offered a two-day “study circle” on Roy Bhaskar’s Critical Realism.

Unlike the usual conferences, these two days are dedicated to fellow critical realists “thinking out loud” and exchanging ideas and questions about their shared interests.
The first day was called “Clearing the Ground of Critical Realism” featuring Johnny Go (Philippines) on original critical realism and MinGyu Seo (Korea) on MetaReality. The second day focused on the application of critical realism in social scientific research, with Benito Teehankee (Philippines) and Tone Skinningrud (Norway).
Here are the recordings of the sessions:
Slides of Johnny Go on Basic Critical Realism (below):
Slides of MinGyu on Metareality (below)
Slides of Tone on Archer (below)
Slides of Benito (below)