Join Us Because “Critical Realism Matters”

Webinars on Saturday 16th November, 2019 & Launch of The Bhaskar Memorial Fund

Critical Realism Matters is a new series of webinar events held to showcase and celebrate the enormous potential of critical realism. The first pair of webinars, taking place on Saturday 16thNovember, 2019, have been planned to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the death of Roy Bhaskar, the key founder of critical realism (CR). With this very much in mind, we are delighted that the webinars will also mark the launch of The Bhaskar Memorial Fund, a new fund supporting the work of critical realist scholars.

The webinars are designed both to share CR’s essential features and key ideas with new audiences (especially early career researchers and interested students), and to showcase just some of the ways in which CR is being applied. In the first hour of each webinar 3 speakers will present a pre-recorded talk and discussion, via the webinar platform Zoom. This is followed, in the second hour, by a fully interactive live discussion in which audience members are invited to participate. We have timed the release to make them as accessible as possible to a global audience. They will then be uploaded on YouTube and the Critical Realism Network website.

The details are as follows:

Critical Realism Matters: Essentials   10-12.00 GMT (click here for your local time)

Critical Realism Matters: Applications   14-16.00 GMT (click here for your local time)

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Ismael Al-Amoudi (France) [ontological realism]
  • Priscilla Alderson (UK) [studying health using critical realism]
  • Angela Dy (UK) [race, gender and intersectionality]
  • Johnny Go (Philippines) [judgemental rationality]
  • Wendy Olsen (UK) [epistemological relativism]

We hope very much that you can join us!

Organisation Committee, Centre for Critical Realism