Pre-Conference Presentations

August 7-8, 2023

THE LOFT, 4th floor, Learning Innovation Wing, Arete

Day 1, August 7 (Monday)

Session 4 (15:30-17:00)


Title of PresentationPresenter/s


4A Reflexive narratives in the third space: A morphogenetic approach to understanding international students' transition to the labour market 

Rizqarossaa Darni (University of Cambridge, UK) 


4B Discovering 'allocation dependence' in the persistence of 'diplomaism' in Taiwan: An attempt to uncover common mechanisms underlying wicked problems

Adler Yang (Awakening Cooperative Lab and Soochow University, Taiwan)


4C A critical realist approach to anti-bullying 

Bjørn Larssen (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences) [ONLINE, Norway]

Day 2, August 8 (Tuesday)

SESSION 7 (13:30-15:00)


Title of PresentationPresenter/s


7A Can critical realism underlabour a narrative inquiry? 

Lisa Ellem (Southern Cross University, Australia) 


7B Caregiving for culturally and linguistically diverse people with dementia living in residential aged care 

Christy Cabote (Western Sydney University, Australia), Yenna Salamonson, (University of Wollongong, Australia), Suza Trajkovski (Western Sydney University, Australia), Jed Montayre (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)


7C Why do some single carers living with their older parents give up paid employment to care for them and continue to care in Japan?

Yasuko Arai (St. Luke’s International University, Japan) [ONLINE, Japan]

SESSION 8 (15:30-17:00)


Title of PresentationPresenter/s


8A Towards a better liberal education order: Working professional students, universities and the morphogenetic approach 

Carlo Carrascoso (University of Redlands, USA)


8B Do the hustle: A mixed methods case study approach to analyzing hustle culture

Patricia Yu, Michelle Ann Chen, Andrea Nicole See, and Mika Angela Tionson (De La Salle University, Philippines) [ONLINE, Philippines]


8C Concrete utopias and energy futures: Critical realism and letters from the future 

Andreas Vavvos (University of Saint Andrews, Scotland, and University of Crete, Greece) [ONLINE, Greece]


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